DFCI Zakim Center

Chi Kung (Qigong) Tai Chi Candle Meditation (Jul 6, 2020)

2 Sep, 2021

Watching the flame of a candle with your spine straight builds core strength. “Becoming” the flame of the candle helps you empty your mind and reach a deep level of relaxation while also evoking your spirit. Anticipating the movements of the candle flame and quieting a racing mind can help relieve emotional and physical stress, reduce anxiety, and improve sleep. 

The deep breathing done while practicing this authentic meditation increases oxygen intake and quiets what is referred to in Chi Kung (Qigong) and Tai Chi as the “Monkey Mind” or emotional mind while also strengthening your “Horse Mind” or wisdom. Meditation is a powerful technique that has been scientifically shown to have many health benefits such as decreasing high blood pressure, helping to control pain, reducing memory loss, lengthening attention span, reducing stress and helping to strengthen your energetic system.

Tags: Breathing, Chi Kung, Energy, Focus, Mood, Relaxation, Visualization