DFCI Zakim Center

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  • Description: Integrating the Five Building Blocks of Our Being for better Health and Martial Arts 
    While in each posture or movement, we will emphasize all five building blocks of our being (Body, Breath, Mind, Energy and Spirit) to help loosen up the soft tissues and massage the joints, and the lower and upper back. Integrating all five building blocks into your practice leads to deep levels of relaxation or meditation which increases the flow of blood and oxygen throughout the entire body and nourishes every cell in your body. Deep levels of relaxation or meditation with the five building blocks recharges you, giving you more energy. You may even achieve production of the “happy hormones” (Serotonin, Dopamine, Oxytocin) or Endorphins which promote positive feelings and happiness and prevent the production of negative hormones such as Adrenaline, Cortisol or Norepinephrine. 
    Some of what we will learn and practice in this 45 minute class: The Windmill, The Hula-Bula, Emperor/ Empress...
  • Description: Upgrade your Energetic system and Strengthen your Core 
    According to Chi Kung, acupuncture and shiatsu, our energetic system is made up of 12 Energy Channels or Meridians. Six of these Channels move energy from the tips of your fingers to six of your internal organs and six more Meridians move energy from the tips of your toes to your other six internal organs. You also have “The 8 Extraordinary Vessels” which are reservoirs of energy that help regulate your meridians or channels. You also have 7 or 8 “Energy Centers” depending on the school of thought or philosophy. In this class, we will focus, concentrate, or meditate on putting our mind in the lower energy center, a healing energy ball two inches below the navel. We strengthen and build this center to create a stronger flow throughout our entire energetic system. A strong energy flow nourishes your internal organs, skeleton, and brain. When our energy centers are strong the energy flow is strong which helps cleanse and r...
  • Description: Reduce Physical and Mental Stress 
    Stress may be accumulated and stored in the soft tissues (the skin, fascia, muscles, tendons, and ligaments) as well as in the internal organs and face. Some hold stress in the lower back and others in the neck and shoulders. Bad posture increases physical stress on the skeleton, spine, and joints. In this class we will work on relaxing those areas using both static and dynamic gentle stretching. Using deep breathing, self-massage, and meditation we will relax and dissolve both physical and mental stress. We will use the gentle movements of the crane to cool the heart area (fire energy) and use the Lower Energy Center Visualization Meditation to further dissolve tension and stress throughout the entire body. 
    Some of what we will learn and practice in this 45 minute class: Abdominal and Internal Organ Massage, Upper Body Massaging and Tapping, Crane Strikes Forward, Kidney Tapping and Massaging, Turtle Back and Spine Massage, Chair Twist, Rai...
  • Description: Cold and Snowy Days 
    When it is cold and dark many of us experience negative emotions and a lack of energy or motivation. Physically the blood circulation slows down, the hands and feet get cold. The soft tissue (skin, muscles facia and tendons) shrink and the skeleton and joints are under physical stress. In this class we will gently stretch the soft tissue using deep breathing and the dissolving meditation to deeply relax and release both physical and mental tension and stress. We will massage the abdominal area and the internal organs through movements or with our palms and hands to increase circulation and remove stagnation. This will create warmth and a deep feeling of relaxation throughout the entire body as well as the internal organs. Correct alignment, deep breathing, emptying the mind and evoking the spirit may improve mood, reduce anxiety and lead to better health. 
    Some of what we will learn and practice in this 45 minute class: Internal Organ Dissolving, Kidney Ma...
  • Description: Join Nancy Campbell, MS, an exercise physiologist at Dana-Farber, for a 45-minute workout focusing on strengthening the whole body.

    Tags: Beginner-intermediate, Bone, Full body workout, Muscle, Weight lifting, Weights
  • Description: Lower Back and Kidneys 
    Sometimes when you experience physical and mental stress it gets stored in your lower back and kidneys. In this class we will stretch and strengthen the lower back while at the same time cleanse and nourish the kidneys. We will open the Ming Man, kidney doors, to release impurities from the kidneys. We will stretch and release the six bows in our bodies: the 2 leg bows, the 2 arm bows, the spine bow, and the chest bow. Stretching and releasing the bows with deep breathing, gently moving the abdominal and back muscles, utilizing the mind and evoking the spirit will cleanse not only the lower back and the kidneys but the entire body. 
    Some of what we will learn and practice in this 45 minute class: The Rainbow, Chair Twist, Shake the Carpet, Stretch and Release the Bows, Kindness Dissolving, Rock the Baby, Rhinoceros Looks to the Moon, Wind Over the Ocean, Octopus Swimming 
    Most exercises, in this class, can be practiced sitting, standing, or lyin...
  • Description: Massage and Nourish your Internal Organs
    Eastern philosophies such as Qigong and Tai Chi measure good health by the health of the internal organs. In the east, it is common to tap the abdominal area to show strength while in the western world we flex and point to our biceps. In this class, we will massage our internal organs and spine through movement to all directions: forward, backwards, left, right, up, and down. Using the mind, deep breathing, and a gentle movement of the abdominal and back muscles we will first cleanse and then nourish our internal organs. Eastern philosophies believe that some of the traumas that we go through in life can get stored in our physical and energetic bodies, especially in our internal organs. To dissolve that tension or what eastern philosophies refer to as “energy stagnations” or “impurities” we will melt away stress with our mind using the ancient Chinese metaphor “Solid to Liquid and Liquid to Gas” the same way that an ice cube melts int...
  • Description: Join Nancy Campbell, MS, an exercise physiologist at Dana-Farber, for a 45-minute workout focusing on strengthening the whole body.

    Tags: Beginner-intermediate, Bone, Full body workout, Muscle, Weight lifting, Weights
  • Description: Free the skeleton from stress with deep breathing and meditation In this 45 minute class, we will first free the upper body skeleton (neck, shoulders, arms, and wrists) and then we will free the lower back while stimulating the lungs and massaging, through movements, the internal organs. We will stretch the ribs and lung area while breathing deep and emptying the mind. We will practice standing meditation (Yi Chuan) with elbows over our heads and breathing deep while evoking the spirit. We will stretch the neck to six different angles with the goal of increasing the range of motion, if needed, or to maintain the full range, if you still have it. Then we will work on freeing the most stubborn group of muscles in our body, the hamstrings, which will also help reduce stress on the knees and lower back. We will finish with twisting and rotating to continue freeing the lower back while stimulating movement in the digestive organs.  
    Some of what we will learn and practice: Hold the...
  • Description: This class is great for building up strength and stretching the entire body while being supported by a chair (seated and/or standing behind a chair). This class starts with a seated warm up, moving to an engaging sequence of strengthening with light weights, followed by stretching and cool down.
  • Description: Join Nancy Campbell, MS, an exercise physiologist at Dana-Farber, for a 45-minute workout focusing on strengthening the whole body.

    Tags: Beginner-intermediate, Bone, Full body workout, Muscle, Weight lifting, Weights
  • Description: Massage and Nourish your Internal Organs - In this class I will teach you and you will practice the spine wave. We will coordinate the spine wave with movement of the abdominal and back muscles. Both will massage your vertebrae as well as the internal organs. We will practice the Buddhist Breath and use it to scan, collect and cleanse impurities from the internal organs. We will practice moving the ribs and lungs like a see-saw to massage the internal organs. 
    Some of what we will learn and practice: Massage your internal organs Reduce physical and mental stress Stretch and Release the bows Empty-Full Moon Cleanse impurities Lower back stretches Climb the Ladder Rock the Boat Twisting left and right Tap and nourish the liver, spleen and kidneys Solid to liquid, liquid to gas Most exercises can be done sitting, standing or lying down.
    Tags: Breathing, Chi Kung, Healing, Mindfulness, Relaxation