DFCI Zakim Center

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  • Description: This 45-minute chair yoga invites you to find movement in a way that is gentle and supportive. The practice invites awareness into the body and activates muscles in the spine that help you find length up through the spine for better posture and energy flow. If you are new to yoga, have difficulty getting down to the floor, experience pain in your muscles or joints, loss of energy, or balance issues due to peripheral neuropathy, this class is for you. All levels welcome. Focus: hips opening/ grounding.

    Tags: Beginner-intermediate, Blocks, Chair flow, Full body workout, Massage ball, Massage feet, Peripheral Neuropathy, Strap

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  • Description: This Yoga Flow class is designed for participants that have had practiced yoga and have less range of motion limitations. The class is moderately paced to cultivate strength, flexibility, and balance within a gentle, continuous sequence of postures. Focus: hips opening/ grounding.

    Tags: Blanket, Blocks, Full body workout, Indoors, Intermediate

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  • Description: This 45-minute chair yoga invites you to find movement in a way that is gentle and supportive. The practice invites awareness into the body and activates muscles in the spine that help you find length up through the spine for better posture and energy flow. If you are new to yoga, have difficulty getting down to the floor, experience pain in your muscles or joints, loss of energy, or balance issues due to peripheral neuropathy, this class is for you. All levels welcome. Focus: side body opening.

    Tags: Beginner-intermediate, Blocks, Chair flow, Full body workout, Massage ball, Massage feet, Peripheral Neuropathy, Strap

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  • Description: This Yoga Flow class is designed for participants that have had practiced yoga and have less range of motion limitations. The class is moderately paced to cultivate strength, flexibility, and balance within a gentle, continuous sequence of postures. Focus: side body.

    Tags: Blanket, Blocks, Full body workout, Indoors, Intermediate

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  • Description: This 45-minute chair yoga invites you to find movement in a way that is gentle and supportive. The practice invites awareness into the body and activates muscles in the spine that help you find length up through the spine for better posture and energy flow. If you are new to yoga, have difficulty getting down to the floor, experience pain in your muscles or joints, loss of energy, or balance issues due to peripheral neuropathy, this class is for you. All levels welcome. Focus: shoulders/chest opening.

    Tags: Beginner-intermediate, Block, Chair flow, Full body workout, Massage ball, Massage feet, Peripheral neuropathy, Strap

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  • Description: This 45-minute class uses an exercise method combining the flexibility of yoga and strength of Pilates, a series of controlled movements that work to stabilize and strengthen your core. This workout integrates these techniques using a mind-body connection for improved physical and emotional levels. Yogalates combines full-range-of-motion exercises with stationary positions. Controlled, deep breathing is utilized throughout the workout. Yogalates benefits may include increased muscular strength and muscle tone with increased flexibility throughout your body.

    Tags: Beginner-intermediate, Blanket, Block, Full body workout, Mat, Strap

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  • Description: Learning and practicing: Balance between strength and flexibility – deep breathing – Meditation

    In this 45-minute class we will, first, learn the importance of balance between strength and flexibility in the legs and then practice building strength and flexibility. We will work on deep breathing to develop the lungs and increase oxygen intake to nourish every cell in your body. I will explain and practice Meditation to relieve both mental and physical stress and to awaken the healing from within.

    Tags: Breathing, Chi Kung, Healing, Mindfulness, Relaxation

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  • Description: Learning and practicing: Earth – Water – Fire – Air
    In this 45-minute class we will learn and practice the 4 Elements from the philosophies of both Chi Kung and Tai Chi in our bodies. Earth: increasing leg strength and muscle mass to help increase bone density which can help and prevent osteoporosis. Water: working on flexibility in the groin, hips and lower back to help and prevent stress and to help improve your digestive system and massage your internal organs. Fire: learning and practicing strong yet soft and agile movements through the upper back, chest and arms to help strengthen the upper body and increase oxygen intake. Great for arthritis or tendinitis in the arm joints and also for neck and head issues. Air: emptying the mind is a meditation which leads to a positive hormone production and self-healing.

    Tags: Breathing, Chi Kung, Healing, Mindfulness, Relaxation

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  • Description: Learning and practicing: Joint Massage, Boosting the Energetic System and Strengthening your immune System
    In this 45-minute class we will go over and use principles and techniques from the philosophies of both Chi Kung and Tai Chi to learn how to self-massage your joints through movement which is great for both arthritis and for boosting and upgrading your energetic system. We will focus on deep breathing and meditation as well as strengthening the immune system.

    Tags: Breathing, Chi Kung, Healing, Mindfulness, Relaxation

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  • Description: Join Nancy Campbell, MS, an exercise physiologist at Dana-Farber, for a 45-minute workout focusing on strengthening the whole body.

    Tags: Beginner-intermediate, Bone, Full body workout, Muscle, Weight lifting, Weights

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  • Description: Over time, Begin Tai Chi strengthens your legs, arms and core, creating support for your spine. The gentle movements of the abdominal and back muscles along with the deep breathing massage your internal organs and remove stagnation by improving the flow of blood, energy and oxygen. Practicing this traditional Tai Chi meditation in movement helps relieve stress, anxiety, and pain which may help you fall asleep faster and improve your quality of life.

    Tags: Acupuncture, Chi Kung, Deep Breathing, Form, Healing, Relaxation, Self-Massage

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  • Description: Learn and practice this graceful and ancient medical Chi Kung (Qigong) meditation. Nourish your physical and energetic bodies using the healing power of the mind, evoking the spirit by connecting with the natural forces around us. You will learn and practice how to use the Up and Down Forces to create alignment and strengthen your core, how to use abdominal breathing to massage your internal organs, as well as deep breathing and visualizing the Lower Energy Center to increase oxygen intake and calm your mind.

    This traditional meditation in motion nourishes every cell of our physical and energetic bodies leaving us with a renewed sense of energy and peace.

    Tags: Breathing, Deep Breathing, Health, Healing, Mindfulness, Relaxation, Tai Chi

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