DFCI Zakim Center

Qigong & Meditation

  • Friday, December 30, 2022
  • 2:00 PM to 2:45 PM EST

This Qigong (Chi Kung) class involves the practice of mind-body techniques by using different postures such as lying, sitting, standing still, moving slowly (Tai Chi), and moving quickly (Kung Fu). You will learn exercises of the mind-body through mindful awareness and fluid movement. These techniques can help you relax and increase concentration, while engaging the mind, body, and spirit to improve quality of life.

Instructor: Ramel Rones

This program will be held webinar-style, meaning that fellow participants and instructor do not have the ability to see you. The instructor can see your name and anything you type in the chat, but no one else. This program may be recorded.

Zoom Link: https://dfci.zoom.us/j/93614760211?pwd=U0d5QXh1OFFiRWlIY01CQitGR3JSUT09

Passcode if needed: 035003