DFCI Zakim Center
Qigong, Tai Chi & Meditation to Improve Your Mood (45 min)
9 Nov, 2021
Improving Mood - In this 45 minute class, we focus on cooling the Heart Shakra, opening the solar plexus area, while practicing deep breathing. Learn and practice emptying your mind from negative emotions and thoughts. We will learn and practice the inner smile.
Some of what we will learn and practice:
Preparation for backbending
Stretch and release the bows
Xena stretches the Spring
The angry cat and the cow
The inner smile
Crane slaps/strikes forward
Cleansing impurities and negative thoughts with the “ha” sound
Push the tablets
The chair twist (lower back stretch)
Most exercises can be done sitting, standing or lying down.
Tags: Breathing, Chi Kung, Healing, Mindfulness, Relaxation